The Cheapest Sleep of All

Waterfront property for $17 a night!


Behold, an MSR Hubba Hubba backpacking tent along the Bumping River at Cougar Flat Campground, just east of Mount Rainier National Park. (update 2013: this campground is sadly closed because of storm damage).

Reserve your summer campsites soon. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, camping reservations for campsites on federal lands are up 21% in the past two months. And CNN reports that REI’s tent and sleeping bag sales are up this season, particularly when it comes to larger tents designed for three- and four-person families.

Never been camping before? Here’s a good checklist of basic camping equipment.

Lauren Braden’s new book, 52 Ways to Nature, Washington: Your Seasonal Guide to a Wilder Year, is now available

8 Responses

  1. What a great place to stop! It seems like you were the only one out there. We love camping and are looking to head out in the next week or two!

  2. Brings back memories of being a newlywed camping by a lake in Oregon. Nowadays our son is a Cubscout and we have found our local Boyscout Camps Family Weekends to be a very fun and cheap sleep.

  3. We were the only people at the campground! It was mid-September, a perfect month to hit backcountry trails and campgrounds if you want solitude. And there are so many hiking trails in that area that lead into the William O. Douglas Wilderness that are worth exploring.

  4. Loved the caption…waterfront property!

    Mid-September is a great time to travel. I know I’ll miss that as Tim goes back to school this fall…

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