Q: In what order should we visit the San Juan Islands?

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Dear TripFinder,

We’re planning a trip to the San Juan Islands this summer, and we want to visit San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Islands during the trip. Is there any particular order you recommend that we visit the islands in?


Andy from Tacoma

Dear Andy,

Yes, you will save money if you begin your trip with a stop on the western-most island (San Juan Island) and make your way back eastbound from there, stopping next on Orcas Island and finally on Lopez Island before arriving back in Anacortes. This is because you are charged for your car only for westbound travel. (I am assuming you will have a car with you. It is possible to visit the San Juan Islands without a car, especially San Juan Island. See the “Getting Around” section of our San Juan Island Trip Guide for more info.)

For more information on getting around the San Juan Islands, the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau has a helpful guide.

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