Warm Hospitality in the Methow Valley

Below is a trip report from Seattle reader Chad Lewis.

I like to think of myself as a spontaneous weekend traveler, though it’s probably more accurate to think of myself as a procrastinator.Methow -- Exterior

Regardless of the terminology, sometimes a planned-the-day-before weekend trip can be even more satisfying than an elaborately scheduled one. The trip my girlfriend and I took a few weeks ago to the Methow Valley, fortunately, turned out perfectly.

Wanting to take advantage of a stunning autumn weekend in mid-September, I booked the last available room at the Methow Valley Inn, a bed and breakfast located in Twisp, a tiny town in the eastern foothills of the North Cascades.

Unlike the popular Sun Mountain Lodge, which towers over the valley in princely fashion, the Methow Valley Inn is only one block from Twisp’s main street. You’re only a few blocks from the Twisp River Pub, which hosts fledgling musicians from Seattle and around the Northwest.

The Methow Valley Inn features modest-size rooms that are well kept and beautifully detailed. The hardwood floors are as creaky as they are beautiful, though we weren’t bothered by anyone else’s footsteps despite the Inn being booked solid during our stay.Methow -- Bedroom

The rates here range from $89 to $119 with the option of sharing a bathroom. There is a TV room on the first floor, though sitcom re-runs find it hard to compete with the Rainy Pass trails during the autumn months.

The breakfast alone was almost worth the drive along the North Cascade Highway. The Methow Valley Inn’s owner and chef, Terry Larson, made delicious French toast for us with fresh blueberries and offered cantaloupe that he picked fresh from the garden. (Imagine, garden-fresh cantaloupe in the Northwest!) Morning sunlight warms the dining room through large windows.

The garden is maintained by Melissa Larson, who has designed residential gardens across the country and in Europe. Larson’s selections capture the vast Cascade landscape in an intimate setting.

If you want to be pampered for a weekend and lord over the valley in style, by all means dig deep into your pocket and check in to the Sun Mountain Lodge. But if you want a friendly, affordable and welcoming bed and breakfast to go along with your autumn hike or winter snowshoe adventure, the Methow Valley Inn has a comfortable room just for you.


Website  |  Rates: $89 to $119  |  Bathrooms: In-room or shared  |  Children: 12 & older

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