Pie and Coffee in Forks

It wasn’t the Twilight series that brought us to Forks in the pouring rain. (Though I must confess to you, I bought a copy of New Moon at Forks Outfitters on the south side of town while I was there. The clerk looked at me, in my Gore Tex and muddy hiking boots, with inquisitively arched eyebrows.)

And raining, it was. It was so wet, and soggy, and windy that we decided to skip our hike up the Hoh River Trail altogether. That left us with the morning in Forks. We stomped through deep puddles as we ran from our car into the Forks Coffee Shop.

After settling in a vinyl booth by the window, I realized we’d not be dining alone.

at the Forks Coffee Shop you will never dine alone.

A dozen or so other patrons were in the diner, all with the ubiquitous bottomless mug of coffee in front of them. Our adorable waitress stopped flirting with the cute logger guys at the next table to bring us our menus, coffee pot in hand. Pie and coffee for the adults, french fries for the kiddo.

As soon as we ordered, the sun came out.

The pie was good. Very good.

There are a few unspoken truths about being a vegetarian. Like that a whole lot of us eat fish, but the term pescetarian is just so… odd.  Another is that we tend to have a don’t ask, don’t tell policy in rural diners when it comes to two things: pie crust and french fries. It’s basically a survival mechanism. You see, had I asked, and been told, that the pie crust and french fries at the Forks Coffee Shop contained lard, well then what would I have ordered off the menu? The tuna melt? And well, if I’m really going to be honest about it, wouldn’t it be better to eat a bit of lard than it would to consume diner tuna that is most probably not line-caught or dolphin safe?

Yes, the pie was good.

The coffee? Let’s just say I could have been back in Wisconsin at Perkin’s. Same coffee, different state.

By the way, you’ll never guess what kind of car we saw parked in the parking lot…

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2 Responses

  1. Hey Lauren–
    We had breakfast at that place a year ago and they had a sign that said “Sorry, but we have to increase the price of coffee to $1.60.” We thought Forks was hilarious. Keep the stories coming!

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