Hike: Leque Island in Snohomish County

Hike: Leque Island by Craig RomanoThis hand-picked excursion comes from Craig Romano at hikeoftheweek.com.


Where do you go for a short, easy day hike when the winter blues are creeping up on you? We live in Seattle and keep a running list of the easy, accessible trails within an hour of town. I’m thrilled to add a hike at Leque Island to that list. It’s a dog-friendly, very birdy trail near Stanwood that takes you one mile across an old island homestead, farmed until the 1940s by the Leque family. The scenic parcel was eventually acquired by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and it’s managed today as part of the habitat-rich Skagit Wildlife Area.

Why go now: Herds by the hundreds of wintering Snow Geese, for one. Wintering birds in this area also include several species of waterfowl, shorebirds, and the raptors that hunt them.

Want to take this hike? Read all about Leque Island here.



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