Riding the Rails in Snoqualmie

A friend of mine named JG used to ride the rails. JG finished up his college years in a sleepy Midwestern town, then wondered what was next. His fellow students were settling into new lives in Chicago and Minneapolis, starting their climb from the bottom of the corporate ladder. But that wasn’t the life for JG. He had […]

Salmon Fishing in Seattle

Fishermen were lined up like the poles they held in their hands, neatly spaced apart along the shoreline. I was at Lincoln Park’s Point Williams in West Seattle, a stone’s throw from my house. Some chatter on twitter about a passing pod of orca whales is what coaxed me here on a Friday morning. The […]

Q&A: Keren Brown, author of Food Lovers’ Guide to Seattle

Northwest TripFinder (aka Lauren Braden) pulled up an ethernet cord with Frantic Foodie (aka Keren Brown), author of Food Lovers’ Guide to Seattle, for a little chat about her new book. Lauren: When did it dawn on you that you are a “foodie?” Keren: I have always liked great food but when I realized that I could […]

Northwest Bookshelf: Food Lovers’ Guide to Seattle

It’s no big secret that I’m not from Seattle. I let loose a y’all now and again, and I still mispronounce “Yakima,” ending it with a muh instead of a maw. These are common Midwestern transplant missteps. But after 15 years here, the lines are blurring. Just the other day, while noshing on some grilled sea scallops over […]

West Seattle’s Blackboard Bistro: Believe the Hype

I live on a budget. You read my blog, you know this. But an excellent meal out once in awhile– this is one of the things in life that we save up for and enjoy. Yet too often, a new restaurant comes along and its got a lot of buzz, and we pay for a […]

Wildwood Bed & Breakfast

Wildwood B&B offers a range of charming, well-appointed accommodations and sumptuous breakfasts. In West Seattle.

Gaslight Inn

The Gaslight Inn is conveniently located on Capitol Hill, Seattle’s most exciting neighborhood.